No Appointment Necessary Walk-In Facility, Photo ID required 

We take our last DOT screen at 3pm and all others at 4:15pm


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Why Drug Test

Substance Abuse – which includes drugs and alcohol – can cost businesses billions of dollars in lost productivity and increased healthcare spending each year.

Employees who use Drugs are:

2.5 times more likely than other non-abusing co-workers to be absent for 8 or more days each year.

Employees who use Drugs are:

3.6 times more likely to be involved in an accident at work.

Employees who use Drugs are:

5 times more likely to file a workers’ compensation claim.

44% of drug users have sold drugs to other employees

18 % of drug users have stolen from co-workers to support their habit.

Drug Testing Objectives

Establishing a safer, more productive & drug-free work environment is the

Goal of Employers. 

Some of the benefits that employers can receive:

  • Improved Productivity
  • Reduction of accidents & workplace crime
  • Less Absenteeism
  • Less employee turnover
  •  Improved rates for insurance premiums
  •  Comply with state & federal regulations 

Reasons for Drug Testing

  • Pre-employment Testing pro-actively protects employers
  • Random Testing is a strong deterrent to drug users
  • Periodic Testing is scheduled and consistently performed throughout the year
  • Post-Accident (Incident) Testing is performed when involved in workplace accident
  • Reasonable Suspicion Testing when evidence or reasonable cause is suspected
  • Return to Duty Testing for previously tested positive employees
  • DOT Drug Screens 
  • Private Drug Screens – Court-ordered, Employer requires self-pay, Parents check on Teens, Self-Knowledge
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